Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012



Why comb the original and can’t pull the paper can pull the paper after being rubbed on the hair? Before rubbed on hair comb, comb is neutral (electrically charged) so it can not pull scraps of paper. Once the comb-rubbed rubbing the hair, comb becomes electrically charged, so it can pull scraps of paper. It this was the phenomenon of static electricity or the attractive force between two objects repel electrically charged.
The process that is electrically charged comb can pull scraps of paper can be explained as follows. In most neutral atoms or molecules, the center of positive charge coincides with the center of negative charge. When the insulator ( For example the scraps of paper) was approached by electrically charged objects (for example, comb positively charged), the center of negative charge is pulled approaching positively charged objects. This will result in a positive charge. And then will produce more negative charge on the side adjacent to the object giving the charge. It produces more negative charge on the side adjacent to the object giving the charge. Charge of different types produces attractive forces so that the insulator can be attached to an electrically charged object.
-->Tools and materials to make the experiment comb to pull the paper:
1.  Comb
2. Small pieces of paper
--> -->
            Step-by-step experiment :

1. Paper was cut into small pieces
2. Plastic comb rubbed on dry hair
3. Plastic comb is brought near to the hair is rubbed into small pieces of paper
4. Do experiment repeatedly
5. Observed


4 komentar:

  1. I'm gonna to try this. as we know "sisir" is plastic (isolator). how about the conductor thing to use in this experiment?

  2. how about a comb rubbed it back and forth?

  3. must it use dry hair ? how about wet hair ? please explain :D

  4. Ayuk....
    I have tried the experiment,, but the result was failed...
    what is wrong with my eksperiment??
    please explain
