Minggu, 25 November 2012


You know that why when we use higheels we feel tired and exhausted? and it has to do with the pressure.  Because of the cross-sectional area was small high heels why we feel tired because if the cross-section area of small and large embossed force if the force is large, the pressure generated is also large. Pressure is the force acting on the object divided by the cross-sectional  area of ​​the field where the force was working. Because the pressure is proportional to force and inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area mathematically :  

Pressure divided into three :
- Pressure on the solid
- Pressure on the liquid
- Pressure on gas

A.        Pressure on the solid
Pressure on solids has been explained in the above example is when we put pressure embossed high heel why large. Because the smaller wide fields press, the large the pressure generated


B.        Pressure on the liquid 
            Pressure on the liquid we feel when we swim why our body feels light, the pressure depends on the density of matter, gravity and the depth of the liquid.


Pressure on the liquid has 4 types:
1. Hydrostatic major law
Hydrostatic major law states that "all points lie on a plane in a similar liquid has the same pressure"
2. Related vessel
In theory proposed that the high hydrostatic liquid in the vessel related to the same
3. Pascal law
“ Pascal's law states that when there is an increase in pressure at any point in a confined fluid, there is an equal increase at every other point in the container”.
4. Archimedes law
"objects partially or completely submerged in the liquid will have to limit the amount of force equal to the weight of fluid displaced by the object"

C.        Pressure on gas
Pressure on gas in different open space enclosed space.

1. Gas pressure in the open spaces
Gas pressure in the open space is often called a press air and air pressure is measured using a device called a barometer.

2. Gas pressure in a confined space
Gas pressure in a closed space is measured using a manometer.

3. law boyle

"The product of pressure and volume of gas in a confined space is a fixed / constant".